The Billhook was an infamous polearm, originating from the agricultural tool, our version is based on a later development, with a much longer top spike, and a rear spike.
Primarily an English weapon, the design was so effective, that it was adopted in some form by many other regions.
Our Polearms with all have been engineered to function well when using their specific design features. Just like our axes, there are additional cores that support side spikes, lugs or hooks, so that they will function as intended, without tearing when encountering resistance from your opponent!
2.1m Billhook with ash or chestnut haft.
Primarily an English weapon, the design was so effective, that it was adopted in some form by many other regions.
Our Polearms with all have been engineered to function well when using their specific design features. Just like our axes, there are additional cores that support side spikes, lugs or hooks, so that they will function as intended, without tearing when encountering resistance from your opponent!
2.1m Billhook with ash or chestnut haft.