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Cores are now available for purchase.'ve got some standard shapes that correspond to our most popular products that are available for the lowest price, and we're definitely open to bulk orders available at a discounted rate. We're open to custom shapes on request, and the price will essentially correspond to the time required to make a new shape. For custom core shapes or bulk quantities, contact us at This is something we considered from the start of our crowdfunding campaign, but held off because we wanted to focus all our efforts on designing our own products and filling crowdfunding...

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There is currently a perfect storm at Elysian Forge that forces us to temporarily close the store while we regroup.The recent weather has been extraordinarily disruptive - most chemicals we use have an optimal range, and 40+ degree weather like we had here for nearly all of January is well beyond it. It was basically impossible to produce anything during January. Fires all around Australia, especially nearby on the coast, had a profound impact on many of our family and friends too, which had an indirect impact on our ability to produce.In addition, there was a horrendous hail storm in Canberra...

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Happy customers!Production is going well and we're delivering to our backers around Australia and around the world.There are still delays on some items, such as the Nihonto, throwing daggers, and now axes due to supply issues. We're working through those issues but Scimitars, Sabres, and Khopeshes are all still going ahead.

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Our axes require a special fiberglass tube which we are having trouble sourcing. We have some stock but not enough for new orders currently. They'll be back once we can work this out.

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IMPORTANT! We have identified a fault, details below. For now DO NOT USE your weapon. You will receive a repair/upgrade kit. Ok so the story is that when we tested the paint that we now use for our weapons, we sprayed it on. This gave us a terrible finish, so we brush painted over the top, giving us a thick finish, which, when tested, we found to be extremely tough. Then, for all orders since, we've only brush painted the weapons. The finish looks far better, but we didn't test the brush only finish for durability. It was our mistake,...

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